School-Wide Siyum In anticipation of the world-wide Siyum Hashas, January 1, we will be having our own school-wide siyum in school on Tuesday, December 31. We are learning with students in grades 1 through 8 are learning so that they can meaningfully participate.We have a special program planned for the afternoon and are asking that all faculty and students come to school dresses in BLUE AND WHITE.
Lower School Chanukah Ice Skating Join us For Chanukah Skating - Sunday afternoon, December 29 from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at McKay Ice Rink in Englewood!COST: $10 per person - pay at the door.Price includes skate rental & skating. For more information, please contact [email protected]
NJ Devils Jewish Heritage Night Come watch the Jr. Chorus and Concert Choir perform for the 5th straight year between periods at the Devils Jewish Heritage Night, on Wednesday night, December 18, at the Prudential Center in Newark.
Two hour delayed opening Yavneh Academy will have a two hour delayed opening on December 3rdParamus Public Schools has announced a two hour delay due to expected icy road conditions in the area.We will begin school at 10:15 and conduct regular classes from that point forward. Parents should assume buses will arrive for pick up approximately two hours after regularly scheduled pick up times. Please be mindful about where your children wait at their bus stops.Students should daven before coming to school in the morning (ideally at a local shul, if safe and age appropriate); we will follow the regular schedule from 10:15 through the remainder of the day.
Early Dismissal - December 2 We have been informed that Paramus Public Schools will be calling for an early dismissal for all divisions today.Yavneh Academy will have one dismissal for all students at 1:30. All students will have lunch according to their regular lunch schedules.All after school activities including clubs and athletics will be cancelled.
Book Fair is Coming! Sunday, November 24 - Wednesday, November 27! Don't forget to check your email for classes schedules!
Yom Rishon at Yavneh YOM RISHON AT YAVNEHSunday, November 17, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.We invite parents with children (ages 2-4) to experience a taste of Yavneh Academy's Ivrit immersion program at our upcoming Yom Rishon at Yavneh featuring Yavneh's Ganenet, Morah Meital. This event is free of charge and light refreshments will be served. Please complete the RSVP form below
FIRST CHESED TEAM EVENT OF THE YEAR! Middle School students: Our first event will be after school on Monday, September 16, from 4:40-5:45 p.m. We will be making honey dishes and sukkah decorations for the elderly.
Back to School Night ECD: Mon., 9/9, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. ****Grades 1 and 2: Mon., 9/9, 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. ****Grades 3-4-5: Weds., 9/11, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. ****Middle School: Mon., 9/16, 7:00- 9:30 p.m.
Parent Education Workshop on Digital Safety All Yavneh Academy Parents are invited to join us for aParent Education Workshop on Digital SafetyWednesday, September 11, 20198:00 p.m.(immediately following Grades 3-5 Back to School Night) Featuring: Janell Burley Hofmann - Author of iRules, International Speaker & Consultant Founder of The Slow Tech Movement & iRules Academy.